Create Home & Heart


Thrive with a Simple Family System

⭐️ Create A United, Joyful Home Environment!⭐️

It’s time to STOP OVERWHELM 

reate a calm, peaceful, harmonious home environment so you can:


- Stop yelling (& the kids still listen)

- Get Parents on the same page

- Find some PEACE & stop decision fatigue

- Create the family HEART CONNECTIONS you long for! 

Feel CONFIDENT that you are on the right path to family HARMONY!

When your family runs smoothly,  

- Your home life is less stressful, 

- more peaceful

- and everyone will thrive.


Imagine if….

- You weren’t afraid you would ruin your relationships, (because you no longer yell at your kids).

- The chaos has disappeared, in it's place a simple system is running the home on autopilot.

- You don’t have to fight with your child to accomplish school work or chores anymore.

- You went to sleep in peace, with a plan to move your family life forward successfully.

- You know how to fill up the hearts of your family SIMPLY and with ease.

- You are on the same page as your spouse in running your home.

- Instead of feeling angry or bitter, you find yourself getting to be silly and have fun with your family

Are you ready to start LOVING the journey?


Q: What is the Cultivating Family Unity Course?

A: A simple system to create a united family, who can 

stand strong in the storms of life. 

A:  A fun heart-connected method that allows you to 

create a harmonious family life you LOVE! 

What you will get:

- A 5 week video course

- Simple SHORT videos that are easy to learn from

- 1 Live Q/A session with Katie

- PDF cheat sheets, worksheets, and everything you need to create your custom-made harmony system.

Hi Mama’s,

I’m Katie, and I am honored to be here to support you. 

I remember the day a friend of mine said to me “It sounds like you spend each day in a panic attack.” I stopped in my tracks. 

I had just described my life challenges, how my heart rate wouldn’t settle, my breathing was fast, and all day I felt like I was spinning in circles trying to meet all the demands of family and home life. The overwhelm was real

I just wasn’t having the joyous journey I thought I’d have as a Mom.


Living in a panic attack is NOT God’s design for motherhood, homeschooling, or for living life glorifying Him.

SO, I rolled up my sleeves, and got to work solving how to create a home and homeschool filled with love, peace, and deep, rich learning.

Once I made the decision to change my home and homeschool, the panic attack lifestyle STOPPED, the laughter in our home increased, and the depth of learning that my children demonstrated knocked my socks off.

Families were created to glorify the King, as an example of His love for us.

We CAN choose to create a home that is filled with unity and safety, no matter how crazy the world outside gets. 

Our homes, our homeschools, and our relationships with our family are something we CAN make into a positive and beautiful testimony of God’s love for us in action.

Imagine when your kids are grown and coming home for Christmas. You hug them tightly at the door, each one coming home from a mission they love that God has called them to. The deep bond you built through the years is as strong as ever. You hear them discussing among themselves and laughing over the memories you made as a team during those rich homeschooling days you shared. Your heart is FULL.

The world will tell you that you "there is only one way to educate and raise your children", but do not believe that lie. If you want to break free from the overwhelm and fear, and step into a home life you will cherish for the rest of your life, I'm the mentor for you.

Grab your mug of tea, and let's go Mama. I'm here with you! 

👇 Join Here! 👇

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Cultivating Family Unity: Building Blocks Of a Blessed Home

Let's get your home foundation set up for PEACE and UNITY, through a simple-to-create system!

197.00 USD

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